Sustainable cities and communities (GOAL 11)
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
The world’s population is constantly increasing. To accommodate everyone, we need to build modern, sustainable cities. For all of us to survive and prosper, we need new, intelligent urban planning that creates safe, affordable and resilient cities with green and culturally inspiring living conditions.

Create a community walkability survey
Build a survey to capture observations on a community walkability assessment and visualize the results on a map.
Map and analyze the urban heat island effect
Visualize the urban heat island effect in Richmond, Virginia, using analysis tools in ArcGIS Online and share your results using ArcGIS Dashboards.
Map the impact of housing shortage on oil workers
Examine North Dakota's housing problem by mapping federal data.
Classify areas by degree of urbanization
Implement the United Nations-endorsed degree of urbanization method to classify urban and rural areas across a territory.
Assess access to public transit
Determine those areas in a city most in need of a new bus line.
Evaluate Ethiopia's changing landscape
Use the Change Detection Wizard to identify land cover and NDVI change in Ethiopia.
Assess open space to lower flood insurance cost
Preserve flood-prone land to reduce flood insurance for communities.
Map hurricane storm surges
Use global elevation data to predict how storm surges will flood coastlines.
Design a resilient mixed-use neighborhood
Use ArcGIS Urban to locate suitable parcels for the development of a flood-resistant, mixed-use neighborhood in Suva, Fiji.
Evaluate locations for mixed-use development
Use map analysis to determine which areas should be prioritized for affordable housing development.
Map floods with SAR data and deep learning
Use a deep learning pretrained model to extract water pixels from pre- and post- flood Sentinel-1 datasets, and perform change detection analysis to identify flooded areas in the St. Louis, Missouri region in 2019.
Investigate pollution patterns with space-time analysis
Find regions of the world where pollution patterns are extreme or unusual.
Calculate travel time for a tsunami
Use ArcGIS Pro to determine the number of hours it would take a tsunami to reach Virginia Beach, USA.
Tell the story of Irish public history
Gain historical insight by mapping fatalities during the 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland.
Convert a list of historic places into a map
Use geocoding to map some of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Africa.
Plan for urban change in Cancún
Use ArcGIS Urban to visualize planning scenarios alongside a new park in Cancún, Mexico.
Assess urban tree health using contingent values
Explore and enhance a geodatabase feature class with contingent values that incorporate required details needed for a tree assessment.
Make a dashboard to monitor wildfires
Create a dashboard showing a map of active wildfires and key indicators.