Responsible consumption and production (GOAL 12)

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Our planet has provided us with an abundance of natural resources. But we have not utilized them responsibly and currently consume far beyond what our planet can provide. We must learn how to use and produce in sustainable ways that will reverse the harm that we have inflicted on the planet.

SDG 12 Workflows & Tutorials
 These tutorials use problem-solving exercises to give you hands-on learning experiences with real-world GIS applications.

Monitor wind conditions for offshore wind leases

Model multidimensional data to show weather conditions over time.

Site a sustainable shrimp farm

Find the best locations to develop sustainable organic aquaculture shrimp farms in the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica.

Investigate how nitrogen impacts the environment

Explore changes in nitrogen over time in the Netherlands and determine its relationship to Dutch fauna.

Monitor whales with a multilingual survey

Create a survey to record sightings of humpback whales near Costa Rica.

Reveal lake shrinkage due to severe drought

Use the World Imagery Wayback app to create a story with swipe maps and visualize the extent of lake shrinkage due to severe droughts.

Generate travel areas for charging stations

Find out how far electric vehicles can travel from a charging station before they need to recharge.

Detect ships with SAR imagery

Prepare an ICEYE SAR GRD satellite image of the Panama canal region, detect the ships present in the image, and summarize your results as a vessel density map.

SDG 12 Quick Reads & Videos