Life on land (GOAL 15)

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and biodiversity loss

A flourishing life on land is the foundation for our life on this planet. We are all part of the planet’s ecosystem and we have caused severe damage to it through deforestation, loss of natural habitats and land degradation. Promoting a sustainable use of our ecosystems and preserving biodiversity is not a cause. It is the key to our own survival.

SDG 15 Workflows & Tutorials
 These tutorials use problem-solving exercises to give you hands-on learning experiences with real-world GIS applications.

Predict deforestation in the Amazon rain forest

Map the impact of roads on deforestation in the Amazon rain forest.

Identify regions using bioclimatic data and multivariate clustering

Obtain and explore bioclimate data and identify regions with multivariate clustering tools.

Monitor forest change over time

Detect and analyze forest disturbance and recovery from a Landsat time series in the West Cascades ecoregion in Oregon.

Evaluate Ethiopia's changing landscape

Use the Change Detection Wizard to identify land cover and NDVI change in Ethiopia.

Use species distribution patterns to assess protected areas

Map protected areas and species information on the rarity of birds to understand how countries are protecting bird species with the highest rarity.

Assess burn scars with satellite imagery

Calculate a burn index using imagery bands to measure fires in Montana.

Build a model to connect mountain lion habitat

Find suitable corridors to connect dwindling mountain lion populations.

Investigate how nitrogen impacts the environment

Explore changes in nitrogen over time in the Netherlands and determine its relationship to Dutch fauna.

Get started with multidimensional multispectral imagery

Use a multidimensional stack of Landsat imagery to visualize how a Chilean copper mine has changed over time.

Solve a spatial problem using ArcGIS Online

Identify campgrounds near an invasive weed to prevent its spread.

Get started with imagery for Africa

Explore the African continent and learn the fundamentals about satellite imagery.

Get started with change detection for Africa

Use satellite imagery to identify and extract change due to a wildfire, water inundations, and urban growth on the African continent.

Reveal lake shrinkage due to severe drought

Use the World Imagery Wayback app to create a story with swipe maps and visualize the extent of lake shrinkage due to severe droughts.

Create an endangered species story

Share information about an endangered species by creating and designing a story using ArcGIS StoryMaps.

Deploy an ArcGIS Hub template for conservation

Create and customize your own ArcGIS Hub site using the Community Driven Conservation template.

Model animal home range

Use animal GPS tracks to model home range to understand where they are and how they move over time.

Estimate biomass using GEDI and Landsat data

Combine GEDI satellite lidar data, Landsat imagery, and elevation data to estimate biomass using machine learning tools.

Prepare data for species distribution modeling

Acquire and set up the environmental data needed for species distribution modeling.

Perform species distribution modeling

Use two methods for species distribution modeling, Forest-based and Boosted Classification and Regression, and Presence-only Prediction, to model the potential reach of an invasive species.


SDG 15 Quick Reads & Videos