End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

Hunger is the leading cause of death in the world. Our planet has provided us with tremendous resources, but unequal access and inefficient handling leaves millions of people malnourished. If we promote sustainable agriculture with modern technologies and fair distribution systems, we can sustain the whole world’s population and make sure that nobody will ever suffer from hunger again.

SDG 2 Workflows & Tutorials
 These tutorials use problem-solving exercises to give you hands-on learning experiences with real-world GIS applications.

Assess hail damage in cornfields with satellite imagery

Compute the change in vegetation before and after a hailstorm in Alberta, Canada, with the SAVI index.

Map and analyze food access

Identify food deserts using analysis tools and share your results with Instant Apps.

Measure global hunger

Use United Nations Sustainable Development Goal data to compare hunger in the forms of undernourishment and food insecurity for the world's population. (SDG 2.c.1)

Identify gaps in wheat production

Use the United Nation's Global Agro-Ecological Zones (GAEZ) to analyze crop yield and identify regions with large production gaps.


SDG 2 Quick Reads & Videos